MRC also specializes in consulting and support for research projects, along with PhD student research.
Specializing in:
- Primary Care Medicine Research
- Social Science Research in Pharmacy
- Quality Control Projects
- Health Information Technology Research
- Evaluation of Health Programs
- Psychological and Psyhiatric Research
- Measurement Development
How MRC can help :
- Help with Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey online survey design and analysis.
- Help writing your next grant (we can write the analysis, measurement and power sections)
- Help writing and working on your next manuscript
- MRC can analyze your data and build statistical models
- MRC can produce quality data graphics for your presentation or manuscript
- Help designing and setting up your clinical trial
MRC provides online internet statistical and data analysis services in the following areas.
- Statistical and data analysis
- Compariative Effectiveness Research
- Mathematical model building
- Consulting on research designs
- Analysis, consulting and manuscript preparation over the internet
- Consulting on the newest and most popular models (e.g., structural equation modeling, multilevel linear modeling, mixed growth models, LCA, LTA, etc.)
- Work with the latest dynamic and multidimensional graphics
- Computer simulation studies
- Health and Medical program evaluation
- Exact statistical modeling
- Biostatistical consulting
- Bayesian Estimates (MCMC)
- Fuzzy Clustering and typology construction
- Data mining approaches
- Mathematical exploration of data using artificial intelligence
- Observational and Event Sequence Analysis
- Survey construction and analysis
Copyright - MRC
Designed by: Dr. R. L. Brown